Monday, 6 June 2016

Obama: Real life equivalents: Directors Notes

A brilliant suggestion from my direct was to look at the way President Obama speaks and the charisma and charm he effortlessly exudes. The specific word he used was "magnanimous". This is now the word I think of whenever I need to get into character. This video helped me to understand the way he can command conifdence from anyone without having to ask for it. It's all about taking your time when you speak, pausing, making them wait for you. Smiling. Another note I got was that I give too much eye contact. I have to give it when I feel like the person I am talking to has earned it or I want to make them feel important or special. 

Another real life equivalent I looked at was Sammy David Jr. I watched a video of him tap dancing and noted the way he just moved around the stage using minimal effort yet still looking so effortless and brilliant. I think I need to stop working so hard and just exist without attempting to drive the scenes. These two men are cool without trying and that's what Don Pedro needs to be. 

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